This was originally supposed to be a guest blog on stanceworks but Mike is pretty busy doing covershoots and the like in AZ so I decided to post it here before it goes stale:
Necessity is the mother of all invention, and this is probably how all the wheel swapping started along with the now famous words “ya these will probably fit”. Imagine this, you are working on your latest project and just sent the wheels off to the get refinished but it’s also your daily driver so you need to get to work (mod money sadly does not grow on trees).
Your dads “when I get the time” project is sitting collecting dust in the corner and has the same bolt pattern as your car and the offset is close enough… before you know it they are on your ride and look way better than you ever could have imagined.
E30 bottle caps on Honda’s, BBS RM’s on e30s, Camaro rims on s-10s and blazers, gsr blades on damn near every Honda the combination are really endless. Suddenly the words “these will probably fit” sparked a revolution in car communities across the world.
Wheels are generally the second thing to go on any car (suspension being the first) and most people would rather sell their stock wheels than have them take up much needed garage real estate so why stay within the wheel choice of your brand when a seemingly endless supply of unwanted wheels exists online and in junk yards around the world?
Who would have thought that S- Class wheels would look so good on a Volvo?

Or that the perhaps most common corvette generation and the VW Beetle generation that is nearly unanimously agreed on as the worst could come together and create something so aesthetically pleasing?

Before running to your local wheel vendor and picking up a set of wheels that anyone else with the same car can bolt up to their ride and copy your style browse the google monster and grab a friend with some Photoshop skills to help you out and see what kind of combination you can come up with.
To aid in your search here is some inspiration:
Mercedes Benz wheels are some of the more popular wheels to get swapped around since rolling a Benz on stock rims isn’t fly:

Audi wheels are also starting to make the rounds:

Porsche/VW collaborations are not too far of an imagination stretch

Jeep and Ford wheels however are quite a leap

BMW wheels are also not safe:

One brand trash could be your treasure so get creative and try something new and when it doubt just remember style 5’s make everything better.

So sick. Nicely done!
Thanks Mike!