As the 2010 GTA event season comes to a close you are going to start seeing a lot of cars that have been on my hard drive for the past few months, today I’ve got a super clean Nissan 180sx.
It’s pretty rare to see one this clean since a great number of them end up in the hands of drifters, and while it’s never bad to see a car used and abused on the track, it’s also nice to see one that the owner has kept spit shined.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw one this clean and straight forward.

Shout out to the owner as well, beautiful car.
Photo credit: Daniel Mckenna
mmmm migusta i wish the wheels wer gold centered and how about a lil black spoiler hmmm lol
ps i like the fitment ceeps it raceable “its a quick car help bont hinder ” as my dad would say
After this winter when my car comes bck frimthe body shop I hope to see a thread about my super clean 240sx 😛
If you send it I shall post it 🙂