On Sunday I saw something that made me think I should do another ‘Dat Ass’ Theme Tuesday post and, foolishly, I didn’t save it in the hopes I would remember it when the time came to put the post together.
No such luck.
However searching for it yielded the results below so things could be worse.

If I did a post of only photos like the one above I bet it would be ridiculously popular…
all win.
culassso hahahaha that 240 just wins it for me
As always, awesome stuff. And that Bonita Applebaum reference made my day!
Ross I try and slip a few hip hop references in here and there.
That just might be the first Tribe one however.
That last statement…. do it..
Can never be too much Tribe so keep’em comin’
That last shot of the 350 is BADASS!
I’ve been thinking of perhaps doing a post of cars mentioned in songs.