Theme Tuesdays: Women of the BKK Motor Show


When I was going through the photos Jeff sent in for yesterdays coverage I realized that he took a lot of photos of women, I would say the ratio of cars to women was pretty close to 50/50.

While I have only done one other ‘women of’ Theme Tuesday I felt that with the material I was given another one was well warranted.

My apologies in advance to the female readers once again 🙂

It’s pretty interesting to see the differences between auto show models here and auto show models there actually, and the difference between auto show (or motor show) models and Import models is astounding.

As this wasn't your typical aftermarket show the models were dressed much classier
Jackson tribute with the one glove?
Perhaps she is wondering if her photo will turn up on a Canadian blog
Looks like they are trying to outdo Snooki with that hair!
Are car show dresses like Prom dresses? Only worn once?
This reminds me of a popular animated .gif
Lotus came correct with their models
Volvo also selected some nice models
I think I posted this woman already...
Not quite as bored
Pretty sure this is another Lotus model who could talk circles around me all things Lotus related
Seems like a lot of models were off doing semi private photo shoots
Jeff did a good job of hiding the other photographer
In an effort to not objectify women anymore I will say nothing
End things with a lady in red, front shot suspiciously missing

Back to cars next week, probably.

Photo credit: Jeff Dawson


  1. I don’t think Lotus brought the correct models for their cars. The models should have 2.2 children without legs, and the model should have about 200 pounds of unnecessary plastic placed somewhere on her person.

  2. to see un nessery plastic frontage on a car modle i sergest american modles LOL i love lotus but enything other than an exige S is a waste of time (unless its an exige with a K series swap and a jackson charger)
    meryem likes the girl in red’s dress

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