Back with the final set of photos from the June 19th Stretch and Poke event (aka ‘The Stakes is High’). Today’s coverage is quite simply everything I didn’t post in part 1. Looking back I wish I shot a little more but as always hindsight is 20/20 and talking with people is easier than taking photos.
Not too fussed though I will see these cars again soon and I think the next S&P event at Downsview Park I will raid Lyndsey’s lens stash to switch up the look of the photos a little bit.
Anyway enough talk, more photos!
Missed these three from part 1. Funny enough the first two both live in the neighborhood I grew up in and I saw these cars a lot at an impressionable age which makes them a big influence on why this site exists today.




CHOPSHOP dominated a lot of the Euro presence at this meet.

I guess the price of Supras has fallen a little bit more because they seem to be popping up more often at meets. That or a container full of them just arrived, either way I’m stoked to see ’em.

Since posting my last set of photos it’s come to my attention that the actions of some people at the meet have put the venue in a little bit of jeoprdy because the management is not happy.
Personally I like this venue and I enjoy these meets so if you happen to know some of the people flexing their horsepower at the meets just give them a heads up that their actions were noted and are not encouraged.
The next Stretch & Poke meet is at Import Expo which I am not 100% sure if I am going to enter or not (my car is not a show car) but I will be covering it.
Nice shots as always! 🙂
Good point at the end there 😉
Doth mine eyes deceive me? Is that first Lexus on SLR wheels?
Joe your eyes are just fine 🙂
Great Shot ! Didn’t know you got that, plus i thought i did’t make the cut! Almost had to order new wheels! LOL
btw… RYDE not “ride” 🙂
great coverage… and save and feed the world one day at a time!
Thanks Sic made those changes.
Nice coverage on the show. Looks like you’ve gotten the cream of the crop. 🙂
…I’m just drooling over the TE37’s on that Subby though.
Nice pics and cars as usual.
Do any of these events happen in the UK?? I am dying to attend one of these! Got myself an E36 ‘vert and would really like to sort out its stance.
S&P is just Canadian based for now. But I think Stance Works does UK meets
Damm nice pictures but none of my M ….:(
Sorry Kingpin, when I was near your car I got distracted by chicken
waw nize passat what happen to those typez of style