Event Coverage: CSCS Finale 2011 Part: Two


The last round of CSCS passing means that a lot of the cars in today’s post will be tucked away for the winter very soon.

A few might make their way to Importfest Montreal but the rest will either be converted back to winter mode, stored, or go under the knife for rebuilds.

With that in mind I made sure to do a few laps of the show and shine Sunday just to make sure I got some photos of some of the more attention grabbing cars.

Stickers and Stuff

Before I jump right into the cars here are a few stickers and random things I spotted including a dog and a Tiburon covered in 15 layers of Plasti Dip which evidently turns it into a giant chalk board.

This modified society crown is pretty cool
This Sittin' pretty sticker was a nice combination of script and sans serif fonts
Adam rocking the Purple and Teal color sticker chosen by Erik
Stoked to see Javed still rocking the black and gold
It's been a long time since I have written with chalk...
This dog decided walking was way over rated

Other cars

Don't often seen Bentleys at show and shine events
This Lotus probably would have been more at home on the road course
One day I'll have to come up to Cayuga for a drag event and see cars like this run
Business end


I have not seen something so 'under construction' at a show in a long time
Sic's new tow pig
I bet the side pipes on this spark like crazy
I can't imagine the aftermarket for these is huge so kudos to the owner for sticking with
Erik was around for the earlier part of the show and shine
His turbo setup seems to be treating him well
The CSCS parking lot... not so much


So Fresh Auto Maxima
Very aggressive Skyline
Te37 SL's are getting quite popular and look really nice on this GTR

Hyundai, Mazda, Mitsubishi

I think this is an Elantra (or Accent?).... cutting all the cf for the splitter probably wasn't easy
The rear is pretty wild to match what was going on up front
Miata with some eye makeup
Limited myself to one picture of Carsons Evo


Ty's STI is still for sale
Lownatics brought a couple cars out
Hot as hell...

Audi, BMW

The body work on this Audi was pretty flawless, molded front bumper is brave
Sam from WP Pro Brakes brought out his e39
Blacked out boosted e46 cab
Not all that much room in e46 engine bays
M - Tricks wide body 2002
While the bronze lips are quite nice I think I preferred the polished lips


C west Supra
Clean bay
"You'll blow yourself to pieces!"
Quite a few Scion's at this round, I paid the most attention to the XBs
The hood and emblem on this one are pretty cool
Last time I saw Adam's Scion was in dim light tired at Importfest, seeing it more alert I noticed how nice it really is
The air ride makes a considerable difference when compared to that yellow one
You may have noticed I am a fan of his trunk setup


Javed's boosted EL out front of the Street Concepts booth
Level One near the Meguairs Canada Setup
This car was actually competing in a few track events not the show and shine
Matt added 'moar low' since his feature and was parked at the AMF booth
Also at the AMF booth...
Nice Prelude
On the way to CSCS I passed a traffic slowage that turned out to be this car along with a few others pulled over
Dope Spoon equipped EK
Tidy engine bay too
P-Dizzles Civic was up for sale earlier in the year good to see he kept it
Wonder if he will make any changes over the winter....

Congrats to the CSCS team for another season and letting me do some give-aways over the course of the season. Count down to next year begins now…


  1. its weird cos you see bags of caged mx5’s/miatas but s2000s that in alot of cases cases have twice the power have no protection

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