About three quarters of the way through writing last weeks Theme Tuesday I realized that there was no way to fit all of the companies I wanted into a post of reasonable length so I decided to cut it into two parts.
What I didn’t know was how many of you would be into that post. I may have to do future instalments of this series further down the road.
Here a few more new(er) wheel companies worth keeping an eye on.
Spinfab Design
Like Rotiform and M Technia Spinfab Design has a lot of experience in wheel refinishing, rebuilding, and customization.
Using what they have learned from creating wheels people want from existing (and custom) components Spin Fab has decided to venture into the custom wheel field.
The wheel below is their first prototype.

3SDM is the only company in this series of posts that actually sends me an email nearly every time they release a new design.
Forge Motorsports has picked up distribution in North American US distributor so I imagine they will start popping up more around these parts.

Most people know of Fifteen52 via the Tarmac wheel that Ken Block thrashes on his Ford Fiesta.
However Fifteen52 is far from a one trick pony and has an entire additional line up of great looking wheels including 3 piece Tarmacs and CCW like Formula TRs.

D2 Forged
I’ve only seen one set of D2 Forged wheels in person but they were quite stunning. Being a luxury sport line-up they are very much out of my price (and fitment) range but a guy can dream.

Nessen Forged
Another big in luxury sport forged wheel manufacturer on the market, Nessen has made quite a name for themselves the past few years with their involvements in projects like the ones below.

Barramundi Design
Joey over at The Chronicles… has been posting about this multi piece Forged wheel company out of Japan for about a year now and personally I can’t wait to see some of there wheels in person.

Blonixx Wheels
Every single time I post a photo of Jake’s Genesis someone asks ‘what wheels are those?’ Well they are Blonixx Snowflake wheels made by ISS Forged.

The funny thing is I’ve contacted almost every company that was mentioned about a set of 18×9.5 and 18×11’s with +15 offset. Each company quoted me $3500-$4200. That’s funny since ccw quoted me $2500. Yea these company’s are in it to make money but I shall not be raped. Just like people charging $1000 for lsx swap mounts. Smh at some of these people.
I think the reason CCW is considerably cheaper is because they have been around longer and have it down to a science.
The Spinfabs are bad ass. They really have an old school feel to the design, althou if they start at 16″ that would mean no fitment on actual old school cars.
Same for 3sdm, really kool timeless designs.
Too bad i could never afford a 4K set of rims LOL
CCW is indeed an old player in the custom wheel game. They may be more affordable because most of their 3-piece wheels use barrels that fit all of their faces.
Awesome rims coming out these days!