Mr. Styles


Shortly after Importfest –where he won both Stretch & Pokes’ aggressive fitment category and the best assisted Stance award sponsored by Stance Is Everything– Ryan asked if I would be interested in shooting his car for a feature on Stretch & Poke.

Dave (at Stretch & Poke) and myself have been looking for a way to collaborate for a little bit now and this was really the perfect opportunity.

As usual life got in the way and this shoot took a little longer to knock out than expected but prior to turkey on Thanksgiving Sunday we were able get it done and as of Monday the feature went live on Stretch & Poke.

Most of the photos can be seen there but below are a few alternate shots that didn’t make the feature.

Ryan and his girlfriend Nicole (who I’m sure has influenced at least a few of the modifications on this car) are very nice people so this shoot was a breeze and it was great to be able to return the favour to Ryan for parking alongside Chris, Blair, Sam, and myself at Importfest.

Check out the feature on Stretch & Poke for all of the intricate details behind this build, the modification list is quite extensive.

From what I can tell big changes on the way for next year too.



  1. Looks good, but I wish more VW owners would lengthen the beam to center the rear wheel when laid out (or custom 4 link it to prevent that issue)

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