Recently a couple s-10 owning friends of mine stripped their trucks down to bare metal and seeing them both paint and rust less (at least for the time being) triggered this weeks Theme Tuesday.
Interestingly enough it was common to come across posts that read ‘this car was later painted’ due to how hard it is to keep a bare metal car looking pristine no matter what you coat it with.
Hot Rods

Rods and Customs



Maybe bare metal and left to rust in the near future.
Fuck it, strip your 3 and clearcoat it. Might as well before it turns to rust.
Already has patch panels would look like doo doo.
Here in NS, I can’t even leave a sheet of steel in my garage without coating it. Within a few days it’s coated in a layer of rust. But I still run bare aluminum on my wheels. Not nearly as bad as steel to keep up.
ally is ok as long as its wiped in wd40 (what would we do with out it!) i adore that willys id love a willys pickup