A few weeks ago I promised to post Sam’s shots of the Maxbimmer Autumn e30 meet. Then I got sidetracked with some other posts today I make good on my promise and liberate these photos from my stanceiseverything@gmail inbox. Enjoy.
Before the e30 meet there was BMW Club of Canada, Trillium Chapter autocross event I really wanted to make it out this event since I have still yet to auto cross myself but I had a wedding the night before and was therefore out of commission in the early morning. Sam however went to the event to participate and shoot some action shots.

The e30 Meet
Sam left his car at the initial meeting spot so he could free up his hands for some shotgun photography during the meet. He sent in a lot of nice shots and here are my personal favorites.

“the jackass in the bg ruining the shot would be me” — LOL. Ya, sheesh, could you be any more obvious…. 😉
Never autocrossed? Awwww, you don’t know what you’re missing! Then again, it’s only fun for me… I’m not serious like I was before about it. Still, it’s worth doing at least once. 😛
It’s funny cause I ruined Sam’s shot but he didn’t ruin mine.
I have been meaning to auto-x but something always ends up in the way it sucks as I really want to try it.
Well, that’s what photoshop is for, right? 😉
I went to so many and never did it for a bunch of reasons…. Until, finally, I just pushed myself out there and did it. I’m not sure I would have ever made it out on a track without getting used to pushing myself to race…. Funny thing is, I know so many people now because I’m one of the racers. I just wish I could take pictures of myself racing, haha. That’s so vain, I know, but I like snapping pics of my car. (Not me, just her.)
Oh, I wish I wasn’t shy, either. I saw the prettiest blue e30 M3 that came to watch, but I was too shy to walk up and introduce myself for good pics. You should feel proud because I could only recognize the car from seeing all the pics on your blog. 😉 Cars + Numbers + I = Don’t get along well, it’s a struggle.
I don’t think there is enough BrillantRot E30’s in the GTA. Mine should be getting a nice refresh this winter, going to take a stab at body work. Might actually be the proper shade too.