The lowrider style Auburn Speedster I posted last Friday got me thinking that people will lower basically anything and everything and I should do a Theme Tuesday dedicated to those who like to think outside of the box.
I had a few of these vehicles saved already but after doing a lot more web mining I came up with a pretty interesting collection of photos.

Shout out to those who think outside the box
I’m pretty sure the front end on the 2nd to last pic is from a Brasila, I have no idea about the rest. That Yugo made me snicker a bit (sorry yugo fans).
I had to do a double take on the yugo, when I first looked at it quick it almost looked like a MK1. The yugo doesn’t look overly bad…I wonder what you can shoehorn in to them powerplant wise??
Yugo Photochop!
Quick work on that Yugo! The do sort of look like MK1’s
The rusty VW is a SP2.
It has been produced in Brazil from 72 to 76, this one probably being one of the first.
Actually, I’m recognizing the location as well. The car is sitting on the “Sambodromo”, the place where brazilian Carnaval is held, in São Paulo.
I was always a reader, but had to comment this time, hehe.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the info and kind works Henrique, I had no idea what that car was!
The gold van looks similar to a 68 Chevy G-10, i have a buddy who is rebuilding one over the winter..
I have a video of that second bus dragging. It used to be blue. I believe if you search youtube, it’s there. GO EZ/Surface DVD.
The last wolkswagen it’s a SP1, from Brazil. Very rare car