When I first saw photos of this car I thought perhaps someone had crossed a Chevette with a Pacer and stuffed a big intercooler into the front of it.
But after a quick search I learned that it is a 1977 Mazda 323, or Great Little Car as it was apparently called in North America.
Before coming across this particular one (which looks to have a boosted spinning Dorito power plant under the hood) I never really had a reason to look into these.
But now that I know they were at one point rear wheel drive I am a little bit more interested, it doesn’t hurt that this particular one looks bad ass to boot.

At a reported weight of about 1800lbs stock this 323 probably went like a bat out of hell, I know these photos are a bit old but does anyone have some info on this car?
Here’s a video of another one I found on youtube in case nothing else pops up.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Dont know the specific car but its from New Zealand and they are quite a common vehicle to be rotary powered. Try and search for the 4 & Rotary Nationals or teh RotaNats for more pics of them
1 word…sick!!
speed bump + intercooler =mucho €€€
The owner/builder of this car is a friend on mine. Sam’s 323 is driven on NZ roads, and drag raced when he has the time. Its currently for sale as the owner has found a passion for offroad racing and wants to build a trophy truck. Definitely one of the tidiest rotary 323 conversions Ive ever seen.
Wet unprepped track, backed off and put it on the trailer after the run
heres another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABG2lHEc6q0
lastly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_BF1ZhfebI
That is beautiful, nothing better than a bit of Rotary Power!
I find rotaries interesting, but that one sounds annoying as hell…. There probably isn’t a single 323 from that generation left anywhere in Canada.
@Andrew – You guys out in NZ love your Rotaries eh? Thanks for the info
@Ollie ya basically 😛
@C thanks for the update, trophy trucks are pretty damn cool so I guess that’s a good reason to sell. That last video is wild!
@Phil sadly you are probably right.
@DaveT All is not lost all going to plan the trophy truck will be rotary powered 😉
@Dave T, I drive Hondas, the mortal enemy of Rotaries in NZ haha. But I have seen this one as it is from the same town as me and it is perfect.
C keep me posted on the project.
@Andrew you could buy it then have both enemies share space in the same garage.
In NZ we will pretty much rota anything! or drop a big straight 6 in it! light cars with shyte loads of power!!
I should visit NZ then lol