Looking back it’s a little strange that one of the events I was looking forward to most at SEMA 2012 was the roll-out at the end.
They were pushing it pretty hard in the media centre and my imagination conjured up visions of an epic parade full of awesome cars dragging, drifting, and generally acting a fool on the streets of Las Vegas.
Of course the reality was far from the rubber burning mayhem I had imagined due to a strict set of rules that prohibited burnouts, engine revving, and travelling at more than eight miles per hour.
Pretty tame for what is essentially a gathering of some of the best cars in the world but even with Jonny Law watching there was something cool about seeing these cars drive together on the streets of Nevada even if it was only to a trailer a few kilometers miles down the road.
On my first pass through these photos I deemed a lot of them unusable due to the sun but I ended up editing them a littler different than I usually do and a couple are my favourite shots from the trip.
Cheers to all the coverage!! With all your hard work it almost felt like we were there.
Glad you like it! That was the idea 🙂