In the 70s Street Machine Theme Tuesday I mentioned that the Street Machine look was pretty versatile, and could be applied to basically every kind of car imaginable.
Case in point the 75 Honda Z600 found in today’s post.
This car doesn’t just look the part however, thanks to an unknown resourceful mechanic who stuffed a Chevy 427 under the hood it can run with the best of them as well…provided it doesn’t flip over.

Really wish I had more info build but sadly the four photos above seem to be all the internet is willing to give up.
If you know more about it (or a similar car) feel free to share in the comments.
Got something you think would make a great WTF Friday post? Send it in to [email protected]!
Gotta love those little cars n600 started it for Hondas
For more info you could possibly check
I’ve used that site for research for my 79 civic so they might have something on this car as well
Correction website is actually
I found this
one a few years back while searching on youtube for civics at a local dragway. The are other videos if you search for Danny Porter’s Civic.
Nice find Jon, they look so crazy fitted with big motors.
Thansk Derrick I’ll check it out.
I believe this car was built by an Alan Palansky (sp?). I had the pleasure of seeing this thing in 1981 at the Car Craft Nationals in Indy. I’m glad the Street Freaks of my era are getting recognition!
I may have somewhat of a Streak Freak fetish Eugene
I used to work with Al’s brother in the late 70’s
This car is still around here in north west in.
It can be seen at some of the local car shows in the summer.
I saw this car run an 11:74 quarter mile and he let off
towards the end because it was getting loose.
Jimmy thanks for the update! I’d love to see some current photos of this car if ever you could catch it!
It’s my brother n laws car. 427 w/ factory aluminum heads, 700hp roughly turbo 400 , olds rearend,
Robert does he still have it?