Eurokracy must have had a lasting impression on me because when it came to this week’s Theme Tuesday first generation Volkswagen Caddys came to mind and simply wouldn’t leave.
Clean first generation examples are a bit of a rare sight (at least here in Toronto) so whenever I see a nice one I can’t help but stare like a slack jawed yokel.
I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that many of you are the same way.

Good theme!
im loving the k swapped caddy. i wonder if it would be possible to get a n22 in the states because thats where im guessing this buld comes from. i think keeping it diesel would have been sick cause the n22 is the honda turbol diesel engine from south africa i believe idk and it uses the same mounts and things cause its from a 2006 civic diesel i think it woud be sick. just my 2 cents.