Local tuner shop, and Stance Is Everything sponsor, Nextmod is having it’s one year anniversary meet this Sunday August 15th from 1pm – 5pm.
Every meet at Nextmod is sure to be packed with vehicular eye candy since the crew at the shop always provides free drinks and BBQ’d food for those in attendance and if there is one way to get people to come out it’s with free food.
There will also be a live DJ on site spinning the wheels of steel and as an added bonus there will also be a special discount on all products ordered or purchased on Sunday.
Here are some of my photos from last years Next Mod Grand Opening event.

Last year there were over 400 cars so if you are local come out and let’s make this meet even better.
If it’s not obvious Stance Is Everything will be at this event.
[…] Preview: NextMod One Year Anniversary Event Preview: NextMod One Year Anniversary – Stance Is Everything – It's all about how it sit… __________________ Monday – Friday 12PM-8PM Saturday 12PM – 5PM 290 Yorktech Drive,Unit 27, […]
my fit is still around, just doesn’t look like that anymore, that’s all. 🙂
Ya, Gawa’s car was at stretch and poke…the fit with the decal wrapped lip rims
Ha! No kidding!