Today we conclude Mike & Jesse’s in-depth coverage of Lethbridge Alberta’s 2014 Battle At The Bridge event.
This post consists mostly of the event’s limbo contest, but because The Dub Dynasty team took so many great photos a few others shots have worked there way into the mix as well.
I posted a nearly identical photo of this truck in the Trucks Of Battle At The Bridge 2014 post but I am posting it again today for contextBecause with out it you might not accept that this gorgeous dash is inside a Blazer!
I keep talking about the variety of vehicles at Battle and here’s a great example, clean classic truck beside a no fucks given Jetta
If there’s one thing that I have always loved (there are many in fact) about the mini truck community it is the variety of paint, mild to wild and back againBBS wheels on VWs might be considered played in some circles but I’d never say that here, this R looks great
Since getting rear ended I’ve been recommended to do tons of stretching, I should try this perhaps…Honestly trucks are some of my favourtite vehicles to watch go through limbosThey literally lay it all out
Of course now a days car owners are getting just as low as trucks
Mike of course had to see just how low his static Ghia is
Mike shot a killer a photo set of Steve Woodward’s awesome Mazda, I really should liberate to the site very soon!
If you’ve missed the two previous Battle At The Bridge posts you can check them out here and here.
Big thanks once again to Mike & Jesse for covering the show and if you have a moment go check out The Dub Dynasty on Facebook, the two of them are putting together some great original content in an era where Facebook pages seem to be less and less concerned with doing so.