WTF Friday: Super Fly


If you’re anything like me, upon viewing these photos, you are struggling with the fact that anyone would turn a Super Bird into what appears to be some sort of mobile home.

The saying ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover (which is quite on in this case’ applies because the rumoured story behind this vehicle is in fact a very justifiable reason for doing what would generally be considered a cardinal sin.



The tale goes that the owner of the car pictured was a huge Superbird fan who, for unspecified reasons, needed a wheel chair to get around.

While piloting the Plymouth wasn’t exactly a problem (hand controls have been around for awhile) bringing his wheel chair along for the trip was, so he had the blue bird modified in a way that allowed him to take his chair with him.


The bumper was hinged, and the door in the rear folded down creating a ramp that allowed him to roll into the car, secure the chair, and drive away leaving a trail of tire smoke in the air.


It may seem like sacrilege today but if you consider the fact that during the oil crisis these cars were not worth anything near what the bank they are today then it isn’t so bad.

Besides rumour has it this car –or at least parts of it– are being used for a factory restore today.


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