I get that drift missiles are a bit of a ‘thing’ right now (to the chagrin of many) but I think even the most carefree of missile pilots would see this car as a little ridiculous.
Aside from the turbo LS swap, which is in god knows what shape, very little on this car appears to be salvageable or mechanically sound.

I know I usually say LS in everything but perhaps not in this thing
Spotted in the ‘You’re Doing It Wrong‘ Zilvia thread which totally justifies the ever-increasing price of clean S chassis.
My eyes are bleeding.
that is extremley gnarly in every sense of the word. the definition of 0 fucks given. bad execution that fibre glass fender is horrible isnt the point to show your scars and pretty much everything else is awful except the ls turbo minus assembly and general safety but its a missle and that counts for something i guess.. . hahaha what is the piece of metal? engine mount,bracing,fixing rusted frame i dont know confused…