This is really weird to me and I shared it via twitter a few days ago. I never saw this car before I got my new wheels but then I came across it a few days ago on bike guide. I don’t know if we are running the exact same wheels but it looks like we have the same drop, exhaust, and lip.
Obviously I like the look (however I like mine better!) but this might mean that I go wheel shopping again next year.

If you forgot what my ride looks like click back to My Girlfriend shot my car
White on white is so hard to pull off. When we were at Myrtle Beach, there was a Miata white on white, and the whites didn’t quite match… I much prefer black on white, but I do like my black wheels since the brake dust doesn’t stand out too much!!
seen it years ago, ht guy.
Guess good taste doesn’t go out of style!