Win free passes to Performance World 2011


The first show after a long, snow filled, Toronto winter is just a few days away and thanks to SIC RYDE I’ve got a pair of passes to give away to one lucky Stance Is Everything reader.

Last years Performance World Show was the first time I met Sic himself, after seeing him riding low for years, so it’s very fitting that he is contributing to this years give away.

If you and a friend would like to attend the 2010 Performance World car show for free all you have to do is correctly guess the number of times the SIC RYDE slogan ‘sic ryde.  pass it on‘ will appear in the SIC RYDE display area.

Here is a little background info to help guide your answer:

  • Each SIC RYDE stanchion has 4 slogans per side, which is 8 slogans per belt
  • The SIC RYDE show area for 2011 is 150 feet by 20 feet
  • There are going to be 13 SIC RYDE cars at the show
  • The slogan will appear on each car at least once
  • The slogan will also appear on each vehicles sign board at least once
  • Last year the SIC RYDE show area had 254 slogans in total, this year Sic plans to outdo that number

For those of you who have never seen a SIC RYDE show setup before here are some photos of his displays from Performance World 2010 and Importfest 2010:

Sic Ryde's 2010 Performance World display
How many mentions of Sic Ryde do you see?
An example of the sign boards Sic brings to shows
Remember, Sic plans to go over the top with marketing this year


The person who guesses the number correctly walks away with two passes to Performance World. In the event two or more people guess correctly the winner will be decided at mathematical random of those who were correct.

In the event no one guesses the exact amount the person who is closest without going over will be declared the winner.

In addition to the passes the winner will also receive a pair of SIC RYDE key chains.

Sic Ryde key chains


This contest is open to anyone who is able to attend Performance World 2011.

The contest is open from today Monday March 7th 2010 and closes Thursday March 10th at 10:00pm EST (Contest now closed)

The winner will be announced Friday morning at 9am EST and the tickets will be available at show open 10:00am Friday March 11th 2011.

Once the winner is declared they will be contacted via email with instructions on how to collect their prizes.

One entry per email address and you can only enter by commenting on this post with your guess.

Good luck, to all the entrants. See all of you at Performance World and be sure to stop by the SIC RYDE area to check out all the merchandise (t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, hats, stickers, and towels) he has for sale in 2011.

This contest is brought to you by:


  1. wild guess…474? if i’m right (which i’m probably not), i’ll show how I got that number, lol…

  2. I’m going with 600. C’mon Sic…. prove me right! Do it for the good old Sheridan days!!!!!

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